Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Ballad of Befana- Phylis McGinley

Befana the Housewife, scrubbing her pane,
Saw three old sages ride down the lane,
Saw three gray travelers pass her door--
Gaspar, Balthazar, Melchior.

"Where journey you sirs?" she asked of them.
Balthazar answered, "To Bethlehem,
for we have news of a marvelous thing,
Born in a stable is Christ the King".

"Give Him my welcome!" Then Gaspar smiled,
"Come with us, mistress, to greet the Child".

"Oh happily, happily, would I fare,
Were my dusting through and I'd polished the stair".

Old Melchior leaned on his saddle horn,
"Then send but a gift to the small Newborn".

"Oh, gladly, gladly I'd send Him one,
Were the hearthstone swept and my weaving done,
"As soon as ever I've baked my bread,
I'll fetch Him a pillow for His head,
And a coverlet too, " Befana said.

"When the rooms are aired and the linen dry,
I'll look at the Babe".
But the three rode by.

She worked for a day and a night and a day,
Then, gifts in her hands, took up her way.
But she never could find where the Christ Child lay.

And still she wonders at Christmastide,
Houseless, whose house was all her pride,

Whose heart was tardy, whose gifts were late;
Wanders, and knocks at every gate,
Crying, "Good people, the bells begin!
Put off your toiling and let love in."

Befana is the Italian gift giver. Befana is an old woman who
missed her chance to travel with the Magi to Bethlehem, to worship the newborn Jesus.
Befana is forever searching for the manger, carrying her gifts for the Child.
On January 6th, she distributes some gifts to the good children of Italy~those who not lived up
to expectations get only a bag of ashes.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you ALL the Delights and Happiness for a Wonderful New Year...

    My Best~Marilyn
