Friday, January 8, 2010

Let's meet for coffee!

I love meeting my friends for coffee and tea.....but can you imagine back in the 1800's making a "coffee date" or "kids play date"?! I picture myself heading to the local coffee & hard tack establishment in this style. Of course I wouldn't have the BMW of horse travel....I would have the simple sure footed mule! So......who's up for a coffee date?!


  1. anytime!!!!...Are you coming to Georgia???..LOL

  2. I'm hitchin' my mule right now......expect me to arrive in Georgia no later than July! LOL!

  3. I am so there...Love your blog (just found it). We have got to meet in person!

    Love and Hugs

  4. I wonder how long it would take my sure footed mule to pick you up in back West - head South towards Georgia?! Oh, don't forget your travel hat! * *
